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Лучшая биржа криптовалют Binance
Despicable..., 27 сентября 2020 11:11
Из чата BitsKing (автор по именем/никнейму Goestie):
"Happy greetings ... greetings, I am a new user of the bitsking application, I am very happy to be able to join and greet my friends in this forum. Let me introduce myself. My name is goestie from Indonesia. I know this bitking app from a friend friends in Indonesia, they say that there is one good application and can make a lot of money safely. and I was very interested when I first saw the features displayed on this bitsking website. the features are very suitable and hopefully can help get a lot of money . so that it can make our already poor family can be lifted and happy. And I believe the management of this bitsking company is very reliable. for that, let's help each other and build how this bitsking website can develop and move forward together. thank you I would like to convey and respect I can be allowed to join and move forward with bitsking. thanks."

Так миленько, что не удержался, чтобы сюда не репостнуть. feel
Особенно фраза "... so that it can make our already poor family can be lifted and happy..." мелодраматическая. smile
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